Peripheral telangiectasa masses

Vasoproliferative tomor of the retina (VPT) are benign tumors that have been categorized only very recently. Numerous names have been suggested for these lesions and, in English language literature, these include ”retinal angiomas in the aged”, “angioma-like lesion”, “angioma-like mass”, “neovascular fundus abnormalities”, “presumed acquired retinal hemangiomas”, “retinal angiomatous mass”, “peripheral uveal neovascularisation”, “hemangioma-like masses of the retina” and “aquired retinal angiomas”. At present the term VPT is considered to be the most appropriate in France. The exact origin of these lesions is not known. They are usually isolated. Sometimes, they occur during chronic retinal disease such as intermediate uveitis or retinitis pigmentosa. In most cases, there is no associated systemic abnormality. In examinations of the fundus, VPT are seen as pinkish lesions surrounded by exudates and sometimes associated with a serous retinal detachment. The diagnosis is usually suggested upon examination of the fundus and confirmed by fluorescein angiography. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) clarifies and quantifies the effect of the lesion on the macula. VPT can lead to severe loss of visual acuity if left untreated. Treatment consists in laser photocoagulation.